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  Cameron Bowman



The sources of carcinogen damage to the body is not only tobacco, but the smoke from burning tobacco is. Carcinogen is a cancer causing substance.  Cigarette smoke contains  tar  a thick,sticky,dark fluid produced when tobacco burns. As tar penetrates the smoker’s respiratory system, it destroys cilia, tiny hairlike structures that line the upper airways and protect against infection. Tar damages the alveoli, or air sacs, which absorb oxygen and rid the body of carbon dioxide. It also destroys lung tissues, making the lungs less able to function.Lungs damaged from smoking are more susceptible to diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema, and cancer. Carbon monoxide, another compound found in cigarette smoke,  is a colorless, odorless, and poisonous gas that is taken up more readily by the blood than oxygen in the blood, thereby depriving the tissues and cells of oxygen. It also increases the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and hardening of the arteries. Cigars contain significantly more nicotine and produce more tar and carbon monoxide than cigarettes do. One cigar can contain as much nicotine as a pack of cigarettes. Pipe and cigar smokers have an increased  risk of developing cancers of the lip, mouth, and throat.


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